Sports Discussion
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coolguy said:   win total - 2023   2023-7-14 12:22:52
will be 5-8
coolguy said:   Hawaiii should have won    2017-9-25 7:46:29
Hawaii let the game with Wyoming slip away. So many opportunities wasted!
cffan said:   Re:It's Max Wittek Time, baby!   2015-11-6 21:24:40
Another Taylor Graham
coolguy said:   It's Max Wittek Time, baby!   2015-8-2 16:43:25
Let's see how it goes. Taylor Graham was disaster was Hawaii. Hope Max Wittek will make a difference... well, RPI had 7 wins for the warriors: that's quick a statement!
dreamer said:   great win vs cowboys   2014-10-13 16:1:23
this will likely start the turnaround for Norm Chow.
dreamer said:   This program has turned in a wrong way!   2013-11-20 10:40:0
just a couple of years ago, they were in a BCS game. now one of the 5 winless teams. Sad, Sad, SAD!
coolguy said:   what a great win!   2010-9-12 8:40:19
what a great win at the west point! let's hunt down the buffalloes.
dhwarriors said:   bcs system questionable   2008-12-6 22:6:22
Hawaii is winning! That tells a lot about the fault of bcs system. On the other hand, hawaii has shown the college world, it can play with big guys - bcs teams.
bowsfan said:   let's make some noise again   2008-12-3 13:37:18
if we can beat Cincinati this week, we should make some noise again. Overall, the new coaching staff did a good job.
dhwarriors said:   Warriors should beat Georgia   2007-12-5 13:6:51
getting into BCS should only be a start. Hawaii should kill Georgia with our explosive offense. go warriors!
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