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Men's Basketball - Independents (2008-2009)

Conf. RPI Rank: 32    Conf. SOS Rank: 31

Only games against Division I opponents are counted.
Teams that made the tournament are in bold
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Last updated - Mon Mar 16 09:01:02 EDT 2009

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RPI Rk Independents Conf All RPI SOS Rk SOS
Up 3 From Last Week234 Chicago St. 10-2  17-13 0.4573 336  0.4123
Up 6 From Last Week237 Utah Valley 7-3  15-11 0.4563 329  0.4208
Up 6 From Last Week255 Savannah St. 3-4  11-14 0.4479 285  0.4534
Up 5 From Last Week292 Longwood 6-4  13-14 0.4223 343  0.3949
302 CSU Bakersfield 2-0  8-20 0.4167 273  0.4556
Down 3 From Last Week306 Bryant 1-1  8-21 0.4138 283  0.4535
312 Houston Baptist 3-3  4-25 0.4070 162  0.4954
Up 2 From Last Week329 Texas Pan Amer. 5-5  6-17 0.3846 321  0.4286
Down 10 From Last WeekDown 10 From Last Week331 Winston-Salem 1-2  6-23 0.3809 327  0.4229
Up 3 From Last Week335 N.C. Central 4-8  4-26 0.3698 304  0.4446
343 N.J.I.T. 1-11  1-30 0.3088 339  0.4050

2007-2008 Independents standings

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